Leaders need “User Manuals” – and what I learned by writing mine | Abby Falik from LinkedIn
geralt / Pixabay
What people misunderstand about me I am an introvert, posing as a professional extrovert. Don’t confuse my tendency to work alone in my office with being disengaged. My door’s always open. I speak with conviction, but I’m not set in my thinking. I’m open-minded and always delighted to be shown a better way. I make decisions quickly, but if you give me reasoning or data that points in another direction, I’ll happily change course. Finally, I may be the boss, but I’m also a person, a teammate and a mess
Source: Leaders need “User Manuals” – and what I learned by writing mine | Abby Falik | Pulse | LinkedIn
Another interesting way to let your associates and co-workers know who you are and how you operate. I think that a blanket User Manual effort would not tease out the nitty gritty that make for every day reality. I would recommend using some common tool within the team(s) to get to the real deal. I do like the “How To” at the end of the article.